April 1, 2009

Ha! I Made Goodwin Cry!

"This is a fantastic and incredibly sad poem. Poignant is probably the more appropriate word. It’s a tragic tale about the inevitability of maturity and one child’s journey. Sadly, all children have to take this funhouse ride eventually, but it ends differently for each of them. I love this poem. You didn’t write it, did you? However, it’s so bleak, I’m almost choking up reading it. God! The part about the boy’s father tucking him in because he’s always there to do it – and soon after that it’s all school grades and smoking… wow!

I tuck my son in every single night and read him a bedtime story… reading something like this has really knocked me sideways. I’m going to have to go away and recover.

But, you know what, THAT’S WHAT POETRY IS MEANT TO DO!

Read something hilarious next time, would you? And share it with me, because you’ve put me in a mood!"

~ From my english teacher in response to the poem in the previous post!




  1. alex,
    your poems are great and your achievements should be acknowledged BUT you don't have to be so boastful about it.
    have some modesty for once.

  2. its not my poem - it someone else lol.

    wish it was mine

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