September 25, 2009

I have been the worlds laziest blogger....

I can't even remember the last thing i spoke to you all about!
I'll post a catch up soon i promise.


September 7, 2009

Wow.... I haven't written since MARY MACKILLOP DAY?!

wow... that feels like aggggggggggeeeeeessssssss ago!

So much has happened!!!

- Went to Sydney for my grandpa's birthday with aprill, had a lovely night and had loads of fun at the markets the next day!

- Had School Speak - GOT 23 even though i almost feinted with nerves!

-Majorly fucked my music assessment. (soooo not my fault)

- Went to Aprill's gig at the Roxbury in Glebe. It was fantastic!

- FINALLY got garry to leave me alone.

- Fell a little more in like.

- Denied something I proberbly shouldn't.

- Had a major anxiety attack at school a few weeks back, still got scars. =(

- Been downing in assignments. Last ones due this week.

- MADD nights been a mix of fun and fuck-off-ness, Can't wait til the night though!

- BIMBADGEN WAS AMAZING! I'll put pics up soon!

- My visual design website is kinda awesome, and i got full marks for my photographs!

- Increasingly worried about most of my friends.

- I Cant Remember What Else......

September 2, 2009

MADD Night Poster!

My Very Own Design! =D

It's official and everything!!!