July 4, 2009

Twas a LOVELY Day...

Today was wonderful for many reasons:
  1. Was allowed to go to Newcastle.
  2. Managed to find all clothes for my desired outfit (for once).
  3. Didn't forget anything.
  4. Had a nice bus driver.
  5. Bus was on time.
  6. Everyone managed to catch afore mentioned bus without drama.
  7. The Newcastle Permanent lady didn't charge me for my replacement bank card (which i "misplaced") even though she should have.
  8. Had a wonderful breakfast at Brioche, with my truly wonderful friends.
  9. Saw truly wonderful pancakes. (picture up soon!)
  10. Saw Lachlan and Rohan mainlining artificial sweetener.
  11. Breakfast was rather cheap.
  12. Even though SOMEONE (*cough cough* Rohan!) made us miss our train and we had to wait AN HOUR for the next one, we had a lovely conversation regarding children's television shows.
  13. Train ride was all good and such.
  14. Almost stole a couch.
  15. Went to Muscos.
  16. Got a mini tamborine.
  17. Only paid $5 for it even though it cost $6.
  18. Found Old Record Heaven (one of Newcastle's 2nd hand bookshops).
  19. Bought a Romeo and Juliet manga comic!
  20. Bought FABULOUS records, such as: Hooked on Swing, Disco Motion, Sleeping Beauty (Classical), Bette Midler's Greatest Hits, Summer Mover, Hooked on Swing, Cabaret and FEVER by PEGGY LEE!!! (60's ep!!!)
  21. All that only cost $17!
  22. Aprill and Roro made quite a scene at the comic shop...
  23. They played Micheal Jackson at KFC
  24. I got a really cute purse from Ritzy's
  25. It was really cheap! AND from the 50s!
  26. Got ice cream at the Train Station and ate it while we did Dolly quizzes in the park.
  27. Caught (the wrong) train on time.
  28. Realised we were ON the wrong train IN time.
  29. Were able to catch the right train when we got to Maitland.
  30. Felt super-intelligent sitting near the bogans on the (right) train.
  31. Got to train station alive.
  32. Didn't have to wait for Marny To pick us up.
  33. Remembered my house key!
  34. Made yummy pasta and tea for dinner.
  35. Ate yummy pasta and tea while watching Chaser DVDs, reading my Romeo and Juliet manga and then listening to Disco Motion while playing FB Scrabble.
  36. Grandpa is getting better.
  37. Everyone had a great day!!!
  38. I was actually happy today.

ERGO: A truly FABULOUS day!

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